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Cindy Watson

Mixed Media, Painter, Textiles, Visual Artist

Cindy learned embroidery as a child, then came a love of painting and quilt-making. These passions are combined in watercolour, ink, and stitched collages, and the reimagining of traditional patchwork, as she explores her responses to the natural environment and life events.


Cindy uses pattern, colour and repetition to represent the rhythms and seasons of life, whilst multiple narratives and perspectives are expressed through layering and overlapping. She sees this as the human enterprise of meaning-making, where many parts of our lives are stitched together to create personal stories.

Opening days
Opening days

(Click here for directions)

2725 Richardson Road
Parkerville, WA 6081

Mob 0422 433 278


Facebook cindywatson

Instagram cinderssoul_art

Contact Details
Cindy Watson Winter Walks
Cindy Watson Sea of Memory
Cindy Watson Roots Digging Deep
Cindy Watson Understory
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